Celebrate National Guacamole Day in Your Math Classroom with These Free Math Puzzles


Guacamole is so good that it is celebrated with two separate national holidays!

Each year, September 16th is National Guacamole Day and November 14th is Spicy Guacamole Day. How cool is that!?

You can celebrate at home by whipping up some fresh guacamole (don’t forget to make a an extra spicy batch) by combining avocado, coriander, cilantro, chopped onion, garlic, jalapenos, and fresh lime juice using a mortar and stone bowl.

Then you can celebrate with your students by sharing some brand new Guacamole-themed math challenges, brain teasers, and puzzles for the elementary and middle school math levels.

Today’s Guacamole Math Activities can be used to start your lessons (warm-up), as exit tickets (cool-downs), transitions, homework, and/or extra credit assignments.


1.) Guacamole Day Multiplication Puzzle

Multiplication Table puzzles work like a bingo-table where each symbol is the product of the corresponding row and column.

Looking for more Free Multiplication Table Puzzles?


*Keep reading to get the answer key.

2.) Guacamole Day Area Model Puzzle

Area Model Puzzles require students to use their understanding of multiplication to figure out the value of each symbol in the area model, which represents the product of two values.

Are You Looking for More Free Math Puzzles for Grades 1-8?


*Keep reading to get the answer key.

3.) Guacamole Day Order of Operations Puzzle

This puzzle challenges students to apply their number sense and knowledge of the order of operations to find the value of each symbol and the ‘?’. These kinds of puzzles are great for introducing students to algebraic thinking years before they ever enter an algebra classroom!

Have you seen these Taco-themed math puzzles for grades 3-8?


*Keep reading to see the answer key!

Are You Looking for More Free Math Puzzles for Grades 1-8?

Each of today’s Guacamole Math Activities is a sample from my best-selling workbook 101 Math Challenges for Engaging Your Students in Grades 3-8.

The book is available as a PDF download and you can also get a hard copy on Amazon (Free Amazon Prime Shipping Included; pages are in black-and-white).

And here are the answers to today's activities:

Multiplication Table Answer Key:


Area Model Answer Key:


Order of Operations Puzzle Answer Key:

Avocado = 4, Chips and Dip = 4, Salt = 4, Mashing Bowl = 16, ? = 256

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